Sunday, October 21, 2012

One TOUGH Mudder

 If there's 1 word we could use to describe Nic it would
be "adventuresome".  So when he told us that he was going
to compete in the Utah "Tough Mudder" with some friends
 from BYU-Idaho we were like----Ok--great--have a good time!!

That was until the day before the race when I decided to google
Tough Mudder to find out more about it. I learned it's an event that benefits
the Wounded Warrior Project.  Great, it's for a good cause, but then I read on and
 discovered that it is a 12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces.
Some of the obstacles consist of crawling on your belly through mud, jumping into
 a tank of ice cold water, scaling 12 foot walls, climbing over man made mountains, 
crawling through pipes and my favorite----sprinting through a field of live wires,
 some with a 10,000 volt shock.  After reading this I sent a text to Nic asking him
one question------WHY?

The very clean and energized warriors ready to begin
(I might add it was a pretty chilly morning that day)

After their first "mud immersion" they're off!!!

Nic was most concerned about getting his large
6' 3" frame over the walls but he made it with
help from other "mudders".  The course is all about
everyone helping each other make it through.

Jumping into---you guessed it---more mud!

Did I mention that you run about a mile in between each obstacle?
That adds up to a 12 mile run people!!

Yep---this would be those live wires I mentioned.
Nic did admit that their shock was a little more than he had anticipated.

The good news is he lived to tell about it !!

The exhausted but VERY proud "Tough Mudders"

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Autumn Splendor

Not to be outdone by the Colorado Fall pictures that
Jeff and Julie posted (which were beautiful) I decided
 to post pictures from the fall outing we took recently

We drove up Provo Canyon to Cascade Springs, 
the perfect drive for seeing fall colors in Utah County

Jason & Ari had the ultimate experience in their
Jeep wrangler without the top

As we were walking back to the car I noticed
this leaf that had fallen and come to rest
 perfectly in the branches of this tree

I love this picture as you can see the very top
of Mt Timpanogos in the background.
We really do live in a beautiful place any 
season of the year!!